mardi 21 juin 2011

ah la la

sa peux faire une chanson non?
ah la la, ah la la

bon en fait il faut que j'écoute tout un tas de chose:

the other guys (switchblade) sixities
johnny stage (unknown album) rock/pop
allerton & alton (black, white and blue grass) country
the dirty robbers (i told you so) beat
the wild goners (got what it takes) rockabilly
las aspirodas (mil punaladas) garage
sigi maron (live am attersee) ska reggae
rebound( white trash blues) rockbilly
x (foundation dub) reggae
x(most gostly, most horror from halloween) rock'n'roll
frantic flintstones (the ultimate ff collection) psycobilly
the hi risers (lost weekendned) rockab,blues,surf
loveland (black gloves) garage
the soil senders (greased) rockab rockn country
les kitchennetttes (eh!joli/tu en fais trop) garage, beat
the meteors (sewetime blues) psycobilly
the fabulous go go boy from alabama, the amazing oneman band (st) rockabilly
barrence whitefield and the savages(plus 10more for the pot) rnb blue rockab
astrolites (play for keeps) rockaab,psy, punk
sthe fabulous ottomans (shake, shout&soul with) soul rythme'n'blue
the razorblades (gimme some noise) surf
the moombas (st) soul
the hound dog (cross te line) rockab
shotgun (rockabilly brother) rockab, doo wop rock'n'roll
777 (unleashed) neo rockabilly
foggy mountains rocker (rock'n'roll philosopy) rockn rockab
johnny joker andd the twillight guy vs creeping demon (zombie mob) psy
the lunatics(bilingual) psy
jak la motta&your bones ((st) country
jesus and the groupies (mongrel man)  garge, bues, punkthe beatdown (s/t) reggea
x (like what we wrote, johnny&dorsey burnette) rockabilly
els trons (s/t) beat
the jive pumkins (surf to budapest) rockabilly
born losers (s/t) surf
billy lee riley (the mojo albums)  beat rocknroll
the surfing henchmen (squeal baby, squeal) surf rock
the stantones (complete tmla and motown singles) soul rythmnblues

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